Wednesday, March 23, 2011


we all get tired of it sometimes:keeping up with our styles and our make up,seeking something new? something wild?
or tired of the heels and stockings?tired of that appropriate lip shade? add touches to your style to escape the hum-drum look and break away with a gloss that will rock your mouth with class and style. a little dab over ANY shade you wear,will be enough.find a white/silver type gloss,i found palladio at sally's to suit me,a little dab and you have a more
of a true smile to have during the day. recently I've been chasing color,lime glitters! or chartreuse in a bit of my brown to beige eye shadow.a spot of this will get you looks!blend well......In fact you could use any color you'd love,hot pinks,daring blues, blend well with a color to make your eyes get some attention! this could get you out of a rut you've been in with your current look! to much color scaring you? try a smokey look,the key to all looks is to blend softly and over the iris.
try some contour to bring out your best features,so many video's on you tube to help with this. remember that darker means to set back,make higher looking cheek bones? the hollow point of your cheeks can be used for a matte bronzer,
blend well and then add your blush. dramatic difference.

Thursday, March 10, 2011